The Hustler SF-2 is an affordable 2 meter 5/8 wave mobile antenna providing 3.4 dB gain. This antenna can handle up to 100 watts. This antenna terminates to a 3/8 inch 24 thread. The coax cable and mount are not supplied.
This antenna is approximately 56 inches (1.4 m) high including the coil which is white. Made in the USA.
This antenna can be economically converted to fixed base operation with the addition of th
The Hustler MKR-2 Radial Kit converts the SF-2 to fixed station operation. It features heavy-duty zinc plated mast bracket and three decoupling radials. It accepts the 3/8 inch 24 thread and terminates to an SO-239. (Coax cable is not included).
Price : Rp 500.000